IronMind Training Gear
Essentials for an Edge
Bags, muscle rub, lifting straps, performance wear . . . the things that can either be the missing links or the keystones. IronMind has a tradition of bringing its vision and proven quality to some areas of the iron game that had been long overlooked and we think that when you take a look at these items, you’ll be glad we did. Here’s to your next PR.
Performance Wear |
Our Tech Threads™ wick like a charm ...
In 2005, IronMind introduced a radical notion in the strength world: instead of just continuing to offer more T-shirts that, while admittedly head-turningly sharp, would turn into soggy duds when you worked up a sweat, we introduced the concept of performance clothing into the IronMind product line and the larger strength world. Hey, we figured, why should guys who like to run in the rain or dangle off cliffs by their fingertips be the only ones to take their wardrobes into the 21st century?
You'll find IronMind's Tech Threads performance wear and other gear in our on-line store.
Magic Elixir
As John McCallum pointed out, running and lifting go together like ham and eggs, but one reason that lifters don’t run is because they don't know how to start, especially since they are not planning to enter the Boston Marathon, and most running clothing is just as out of touch with what lifters need. At IronMind, we have long realized the value of both of these pursuits and the magical elixir formed by their combination, so in 2005 we decided to bridge the gap: Tech-Threads™ for strength athletes. Check out the Performance T-shirt, the Silk Road Performance Shorts, the Capo dei Caps™, and the Warm Weather X-Training Socks—and especially if you have a history of chafing when you run, buy yourself some BODYGLIDE® .
Tough-As-Nails Bags
Whether you're on the go to competitions, the job, the gym-wherever!- our Tough-As-Nails™ Bags are up to the task, making sure your goods go with you easily and efficiently.
Small Items With a Big Impact
There are a handful of essentials that you need for training and competing-not having them can be a minor catastrophe-so we've made it easy for you to always keep them at hand: they’re all here in our on-line store.
We feel so strongly about our lifting straps that we guarantee you can lift with complete confidence when using our Short and Sweet Lifting Straps, our new Sew-Easy Straps, and our vaunted Strong-Enough Lifting Straps, the choice of top strongmen and powerlifters around the world.
Want to learn more about IronMind's full lineup of lifting straps? Visit our Lifting Straps page for the whats, whys, and wherefores of choosing the lifting straps that are right for you.