IronMind Little Big Horn: Rules & World Records

IronMind Little Big Horn Men's World Record*
Dmytro Potapenko | December 15, 2018 | 108.30 kg (238 lb.) |
Laine Snook | April 4, 2015 | 107.29 kg (236.53 lb.) |
Kody Burns | December 13, 2014 | 106.13 kg (233.97 lb.) |
Adam Glass | July 14, 2012 | 100 kg (220.46 lb.) |
IronMind Little Big Horn Women's World Record*
Lyudmila Gaiduchenko | December 22, 2019 | 76.60 kg (167.55 lb.) |
Lyudmila Gaiduchenko | March 2, 2019 | 75.15 kg (165.67 lb.) |
Rebecca Roberts | December 28, 2018 | 70.96 kg (156.44 lb.) |
Lyudmila Gaiduchenko | December 15, 2018 | 65.90 kg (145 lb.) |
Rebecca Roberts | October 13, 2018 | 63.70 kg (140 lb.) |
Elizabeth Horne | April 4, 2015 | 61.45 kg (135.47 lb.) |
Amy Wattles | June 30, 2013 | 57.15 kg (126 lb.) |
IronMind Little Big Horn Contest Rules
1) The IronMind Little Big Horn must be an authentic current-model IronMind Enterprises Little Big Horn. It cannot have been modified or tampered with in any way. The Little Big Horn must be wiped clean before each attempt.
2) Ordinary chalk (magnesium carbonate) may be used on the lifting hand, but nothing else is permitted (liquid chalk, for example, is specifically disallowed).
3) Weight is hung from the Little Big Horn using an IronMind 15" Olympic loading pin and carabiner. The total weight for the world record attempt includes the equipment and the weights, that is, the Little Big Horn, loading pin, carabiner, and plates; weight for the Little Big Horn + pin + carabiner = 11 lb. / 5 kg. The plates must either be calibrated or can be weighed on a proven scale.
4) The lifter starts the lift with the lifting hand wrapped around the Little Big Horn using a standard overhand/underhand grip (hooking is prohibited). The lift must be performed with the Little Big Horn remaining approximately vertical and there may be no contact with the underside of the base of the Little Big Horn.
5) The lifter must fully straighten up (back erect, legs and hips locked out); once standing straight, the lifter must maintain control of the lift for 1 second before getting a down signal from the referee, and must then return the weight to the ground. Contact must be maintained between the lifter's hand and the Little Big Horn until the weight is resting on the floor. The referee then indicates whether the lift was passed or not. Other than incidental contact, the hand or Little Big Horn must not touch the body before the lift is completed—dragging the hand or Little Big Horn up the leg is cause for an immediate "No lift."
6) In contest situations, the lifter is given 1 minute to complete the lift after his/her name is called; during that minute, there is no limit to how many times the lifter may try to complete the lift.
*The minimum increment for breaking a world record is 1 kg, effective January 1, 2015.
Print a copy of the rules and referee form here.
See also IronMind's grip contest rules for extra attempts.