Comparing Grippers
Find the gripper perfect for your needs and strength situation
When choosing an IronMind gripper, consider your grip strength needs. Need maximum grip strength as fast as possible? Find the appropriate Captains of Crush gripper. Rehabbing from injury or need to condition your hands? Grab a Zenith gripper. Need to work on your trigger finger, or maybe you play the guitar and need to strengthen your pinkie? Try an IMTUG. Left-handed? Left-Turn gripper.
Male, average strength

- CoC Trainer for maximum strength gains
- CoC No. 1 if you work with your hands
- CoC Sport if you are rehabbing from injury
Female, average strength

- CoC Guide for maximum strength gains
- Zenith Agility if rehabing form injury
- CoC Sport if you work with your hands (massuse) or are already grip training
Male, strong grip

- CoC No. 1 if you have never worked with grippers
- CoC No. 1.5 if you are a Mason or mechanic and have worked with grippers
- CoC Trainer if you are rehabbing from injury
Female, strong grip
- CoC Sport if you work with your hands or have worked with grippers
- CoC Guide if you are rehabbing
- CoC