Crushed-to-Dust!® and CTD+ Challenge
How to Certify

You’ve just mastered this benchmark on IronMind’s fearsome Crushed-to-Dust!® Challenge according to our rules and you want to be certified. What do you do? Use the checklist below to help guide you:
Review the Rules for Certification to confirm you are completing the challenges under proper conditions.
Wait until you have mastered the CTD Challenge, so that when you attempt to complete it in front of your referee or on video, all will go smoothly.
Contact IronMind Enterprises, Inc. and let us know that you are ready to be certified.
IronMind will select a referee in your area to witness and verify the challenge, or you can submit a video attempt.
Rules and Referee form
Print out a copy of the CTD Challenge Official Referee Form or the CTD+ Challenge Official Referee Form which you/your referee will complete and return to IronMind, along with the material listed below.
Send a photo of yourself and a short bio to IronMind.
A waist-up photo of yourself is preferred. For your bio, please include your age, weight, and height; where you live; what your work and interests are; some information about your training and goals; and any related accomplishments you'd like to mention.
Thank your referee.
If you are using a live referee, please make arrangements to meet at a time and place that is convenient for him/her. Remember, he/she is taking his/her own time to help you get certified. It should go without saying that civil behavior and good sportsmanship are expected—a serious breach of protocol is the basis for suspension or disqualification at any time.
Return your required materials to IronMind within 72 hours of your attempt.
We require that all certification materials be sent to IronMind within 72 hours following your attempt, unless prior arrangements have been made. Your photo and bio should be sent by you and the referee's form is to be sent by the referee.
IronMind requires that all of the criteria noted above be met before completing the certification process. Upon receiving your completed paperwork, we will make our decision and announce it in the IronMind News at, and your name will be added to the Crushed-to-Dust! Challenge or Crushed-to-Dust! Plus Challenge official certification list —a list of the most highly-regarded benchmark of all-around grip strength in the world. Also, we'll send you an official CTD Challenge T-shirt and certificate that prove your mettle.
See the Rules for Certification for the CTD and CTD+ Challenge.
Crushed-to-Dust! Challenge and Crushed-to-Dust! Plus Challenge official certification lists.
Shop in the IronMind e-store for the CTD Challenge Kit.