What Do You Want?
Inspiration from IronMind's man of pen and stone, Steve "Inver Stone" Jeck
Co-author Of Stones and Strength and The Stone Lifter
What Do You Want?
“People do not lack strength, they lack will.”—Victor Hugo
A student asked his rabbi how he should pursue God. The learned, old man dunked his student's head into a water basin and kept it submerged until the youngster frantically struggled and fought his way free.
The rabbi then responded, "When you desire GOD like you craved your next breath . . . you will find HIM."
Not a bad standard to measure your dreams by, either. Is it?
Editor's Note: Steve Jeck’s books, Of Stones and Strength and The Stone Lifter; and videos, Kviahellan DVD, Jeck on Stonelifting video, and Classic Jeck: The First Works CD, define the world of stonelifting.
Looking for top-drawer training combined with a healthy dose of inspiration, including one-of-a-kind essays by Steve Jeck? MILO: Strength is for you.