Tolstoy for Lifters
Inspiration from IronMind's man of pen and stone, Steve "Inver Stone" Jeck
Co-author Of Stones and Strength and The Stone Lifter
Tolstoy for Lifters
“Everyone thinks about changing the world, but no one thinks about changing himself.”—Leo Tolstoy
I am guilty. Guilty of scratching my head in bewilderment as strength records seem to be broken by the hour. And yet I never seem to raise an eyebrow as I load my squat bar to the exact same weight that it has been stuck on for three months! O.K., o.k., Uncle Leo . . . less preaching, more practicing!
Editor's Note: Steve Jeck’s books, Of Stones and Strength and The Stone Lifter; and videos, Kviahellan DVD, Jeck on Stonelifting video, and Classic Jeck: The First Works CD, define the world of stonelifting.
Looking for top-drawer training combined with a healthy dose of inspiration, including one-of-a-kind essays by Steve Jeck? MILO: Strength is for you.