Guilty as Charged?
Inspiration from IronMind's man of pen and stone, Steve "Inver Stone" Jeck
Co-author Of Stones and Strength and The Stone Lifter
Guilty as Charged?
“All the strength and force of man comes from his faith in things unseen. He who believes is strong. He who doubts is weak. Strong convictions precede great actions.”—J. F. Clarke
A convict is someone who got caught actually doing something; and, when on trial, was confronted with overwhelming evidence to support the conviction. If someone were to charge you with being a doer of good and great deeds, would you be convicted?
Editor's Note: Steve Jeck’s books, Of Stones and Strength and The Stone Lifter; and videos, Kviahellan DVD, Jeck on Stonelifting video, and Classic Jeck: The First Works CD, define the world of stonelifting.
Looking for top-drawer training combined with a healthy dose of inspiration, including one-of-a-kind essays by Steve Jeck? MILO: Strength is for you.