After the workout and clinic, Yoshinobu told Nicu that he also did an exercise very similar to the RDL. Ever since, I have been teaching and coaching the Miyake high pull. I didn’t call it the Miyake high pull initially but began doing so after the RDL became so popular.
Here is how you perform the Miyake snatch high pull (MSHP). Using the snatch grip, of course, you pull the bar to the top of your thighs but do not extend the knees, and stay flat-footed. You now lower the bar to the middle of your shins, the plates about 2” from the platform. Now pull the bar back to the top of the thighs, making sure your knees are bent, arms straight, back flat, and feet flat.
Next, lower the bar down to the middle of the shins, keeping your back flat and arms straight; now, do a high pull up to your rib cage, and lower or drop (under control) to the platform. That’s one set. Reps 1 and 2 are to the top of the thighs, and rep 3 is to your rib cage—fully extended hips and knees, up on your toes, shoulders elevated (shrugged), elbows up to shoulder height and out while slightly leaning backward.
The main purpose of the MSHP is to learn to push the knees back out of the way as the bar passes, and then to bring the knees back and brush the bar against the thighs so you are in position to explode and fully extend the legs and body. This exercise also really works the low back, glutes, and hamstrings. You can also do the same drill for cleans, using your clean grip, of course.
I recommend doing this drill after a medium snatch workout with 5–10 kg more than you just snatched or cleaned. Here’s an example: let’s say your best snatch is 105 kg for 1 rep. On a medium (85%) day where you snatched up to 90 kg, you begin your MSHP with 90x3, 95x3, 100x3x3. After you’ve done a few MSHP workouts, you might build up to using 100% and +100% weights, but take your time and make sure your technique is consistent and your low back can handle the movement. Most people feel this exercise in their low backs; that’s why I caution you not to go too heavy too soon.
This is a great exercise for learning how to pull the bar around the knees, scoop or shift the hips, brush the thighs, and fully extend and finish the top pull. It will improve your consistency and efficiency and how much you snatch and clean.
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Jim Schmitz’s gold-medal articles on weightlifting and weight training are regularly featured in MILO: A Journal for Serious Strength Athletes.
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