Trigub Yaroslav Certifies on the Crushed-To-Dust! Challenge

He’s got armlifting in his background so it was natural for Trigub Yaroslave (Ukraine) to embrace the Crushed-To-Dust! Challenge. Hoisting 90 kg on the Rolling Thunder is one of the three events in this popular test of all-around grip strength. IronMind® | Image courtesy of Trigub Yaroslav He’s got armlifting in his background so it was natural for Trigub Yaroslave (Ukraine) to embrace the Crushed-To-Dust! Challenge. Hoisting 90 kg on the Rolling Thunder is one of the three events in this popular test of all-around grip strength. IronMind® | Image courtesy of Trigub Yaroslav 

22-year old Trigub Yaroslav (Ukraine) has been certified on IronMind’s Crushed-To-Dust! Challenge (CTD)—making it official that he’s got outstanding all-around grip strength.

Yaroslav told IronMind, “I have been doing armlifting for 3 years, became the champion of Ukraine in armlifting in 2021 in the WPL (World Power League) federation. In the same year I became the European champion in the same federation. 

I’m currently studying to become a physical education teacher. I want to continue to conquer new heights in this sport.

The Crushed-To-Dust! Challenge has three elements:

• Lifting 90 kg on the Rolling Thunder (this is the event that started the sport of Armlifting)
• Lifting 20 kg on the IronMind Hub
• Closing a Captains of Crush (CoC) No. 2 gripper

While none of these feats is world class, few people can do all three, and doing so demonstrates superior all-around grip strength.

Yaroslav is 194 cm tall (6’ 4”) and weighs 113 kg (249 lb.).

Here’s a link to a video of Yaroslav’s official attempt to certify on the IronMind Crushed-To-Dust! Challenge.

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