Thom Fingalsson Certifies on the IronMind Red Nail

Thom Fingalsson has just been certified on the Red Nail, making him the first man in Sweden to be certified on both the Captains of Crush No. 3 gripper and the Red Nail. IronMind® | Courtesy of Thom Fingalsson Thom Fingalsson has just been certified on the Red Nail, making him the first man in Sweden to be certified on both the Captains of Crush No. 3 gripper and the Red Nail. IronMind® | Courtesy of Thom Fingalsson

29-year old Thom Fingalsson is on a roll: recently certified on the Captains of Crush No. 3 gripper, Thom has just been certified on the Red Nail—thus becoming the first man in Sweden to accomplish this impressive double.

Although he had made “some attempts a few years back,” Thom told IronMind he began bending nails 8 months ago.

“I've had friends who are certified on the Red Nail, so I've heard about it before, but my interest started when I saw that a grip competition in Sweden often has a bending event. The first IronMind nail I bent was actually a Red Nail, but I started with 6 and 7mm nails from the hardware store.”

Thom said he typically bends “2-3 times a week, using all 3 styles, often 1 or 2 styles per workout. I warmup on easier nails and proceed to a goal bend which I give one or a two attempts on.

An office worker whose hobby is grip strength, Thom said, 'I’m 29, two kids, just certed the Captains of Crush No. 3 [gripper], and with the Red [Nail] cert[ification], I believe I am the first in Sweden to certify both! [You are!]

"This certification was inspired by David Wigren, and I followed his easy steps to be a strong steel bender: 1. Get strong 2. Grow a beard. It worked wonders.”

Here's a link to Thom Fingalsson's Red Nail Bend under official conditions.

Congratulations, Thom: you have been certified on the IronMind Red Nail and you name has been added to the Red Nail Roster!


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