Symposium: Chinese Weightlifting System
by Randall J. Strossen, IronMind Enterprises, Inc. © 2008
Chinese weightlifters are in a class by themselves - and now you have a chance to learn from Coach Quingkui Zhao at the United Sport and Athlete Center in Waterloo, Iowa on May 31.
Lucky you if you were at the Arnold this year as, once again, special guests from the Chinese Weightlifting Association performed on the main stage of the Expo Hall, with this year's lineup including Junior World and Asian champion Zhang Jie. IronMind® | Randall J. Strossen photo.
Jed Smith, president of United Sport and Athlete, is no stranger to the Chinese weightlifting system as, among other things, he hired Ma Jianping to head up weightlifting at his center. In the words of Jed Smith and Ma Jianping, Coach Zhao is the "Godfather of the Modern Chinese Weightlifting System," which gives you an idea of what a rare opportunity this symposium presents to weightlifting and strength training enthusiasts.
According to Jed Smith, symposium topics will include the Chinese approach to:
Teaching progressions
Exercise selection
Technique analysis
Nutrition and supplementation
Space is limited to 20 participants, so jump on this is you want one of these slots.
For full details, please email Jed Smith: