Martin “The Deadlift Kid” Wildauer: Torn Pec
by Randall J. Strossen, IronMind Enterprises, Inc. © 2010
“Martin Wildauer, who set a new world record in the Bavarian Stonelift at the FIBO Strongman ClassX two weeks ago, with 350 kg up to one meter, tore his pectoralis,” Heinz Ollesch reported to IronMind® today.
Martin Wildauer and his winning attempt on the Bavarian Stonelift at the FIBO. IronMind® | Photo courtesy of Heinz Ollesch.
“Surgery will be this Thursday,” said Ollesch. “For the next three months there will be rest for the Deadlift Kid. I hope he still will be ready to qualify for World’s Strongest Man.”