Mariusz Pudzianowski: From WSM to MMA?

He’s the only person ever to win the World’s Strongest Man contest five times and now he’s tentatively set to enter the MMA world.

Is Mariusz Pudzianowski looking for new worlds to conquer?  Is MMA next for the five-time World’s Strongest Man winner?  IronMind® | Randall J. Strossen photo.
Is Mariusz Pudzianowski looking for new worlds to conquer?  Is MMA next for the five-time World’s Strongest Man winner?  IronMind® | Randall J. Strossen photo.

A source close to Mariusz Pudzianowski told IronMind® that the man who is the biggest draw in strongman is booked for a MMA fight in Poland on December 12, “probably.”  IronMind® will continue to follow this story, so watch here for updates.

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