Lyudmila Giaduchenko Sets Inaugural World Record for Maximum Weight Rolling Thunder Pull-up

IronMind® |Lyudmila Gaiduchenko (Ukraine) established the inguaral women's world record for the maximum weight Rolling Thunder Pull-ups with her 99.3 kg success. Gaiduchenko is 57 years old, 170 cm tall (5' 7") and weighs 97 kg (214 lb.).  Lyudmila Gaiduchenko (Ukraine) established the inguaral women's world record for the maximum weight Rolling Thunder Pull-ups with her 99.3 kg success. Gaiduchenko is 57 years old, 170 cm tall (5' 7") and weighs 97 kg (214 lb.). Photo courtesy of Lyudmila Gaiduchenko Lyudmila Gaiduchenko (Ukraine) established the inguaral women's world record for the maximum weight Rolling Thunder Pull-ups with her 99.3 kg success. Gaiduchenko is 57 years old, 170 cm tall (5' 7") and weighs 97 kg (214 lb.). IronMind® | Photo courtesy of Lyudmila Gaiduchenko

The world standard of 94 kg was established in 2017 for the women's maximum weight Rolling Thunder pull-up, and with her 99.30-kg effort, Lydumila Gaiduchenko (Ukraine) established the inaugural world record.

Lyudmila Gaiduchenko (Ukraine) established the inaugural women's world record for the maximum weight Rolling Thunder Pull-ups with her 99.3 kg success. Gaiduchenko is 57 years old, 170 cm tall (5' 7") and weighs 97 kg (214 lb.). IronMind® | Photo courtesy of Lyudmila Gaiduchenko

Gaiduchenko recently certified on the Crushed-To-Dust® (CTD) Challenge, and is a current or past world record holder on the Rolling Thunder One-Arm Deadlift, LIttle Big Horn, Apollon's Axle, as well as being certified on the Captains of Crush (CoC) No. 2 gripper.

Here is a link to the video of Lyudmila Gaiduchenko's official attempt on the maximum weight Rolling Thunder Pull-up.


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