Lyudmila Gaiduchenko Certifies on the Women’s Crushed-To-Dust®! Challenge

Lyudmila Gaiduchenko (Ukraine) sailed through the women’s Crushed-To-Dust Challenge, which was no surprise since Gaiduchenko’s credits include a world record on the Rolling Thunder, four on the Apollon’s Axle, and three on the Little Big Horn, along with being certified on the Captains of Crush No. 2 gripper. IronMind® | Photo courtesy of Lyudmila Gaiduchenko Lyudmila Gaiduchenko (Ukraine) sailed through the women’s Crushed-To-Dust Challenge, which was no surprise since Gaiduchenko’s credits include a world record on the Rolling Thunder, four on the Apollon’s Axle, and three on the Little Big Horn, along with being certified on the Captains of Crush No. 2 gripper. IronMind® | Photo courtesy of Lyudmila Gaiduchenko

Becoming the third woman to make the women’s list for certification on the Crushed-To-Dust! Challenge, Lyudmila Gaiduchenko (Ukraine) sailed through the challenge, upping the ante by using a Captains of Crush® (CoC) No. 1 gripper, one level above the required CoC Point Five.

That Lyudmila Gaiduchenko (Ukraine) breezed through the women’s Crushed-To-Dust Challenge was no surprise since Gaiduchenko’s credits include one world record on the Rolling Thunder, four on the Apollon’s Axle, and three on the Little Big Horn, along with being certified on the Captains of Crush No. 2 gripper. Gaiduchenko is also an 11-time World Armlifting Champion.

Here is a link to Lyudmila Gaiduchenko’s official attempt on the Crushed-To-Dust Challenge—note that Gaiduchenko bumps up to a Captains of Crush No. 1 gripper, instead of the required CoC® Point Five.




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