Jaime McEwen Certifies on the No. 3 Captains of Crush® Gripper

IronMind® is proud to announce that Jaime McEwen has just been certified on the No. 3 Captains of Crush® Gripper, establishing his position among the grip strength elite.

Jaime McEwen is now certified on the No. 3 Captains of Crush® (CoC) Gripper, proving his world-class grip strength.  IronMind® | Photo courtesy of Jaime McEwen.
Jaime McEwen is now certified on the No. 3 Captains of Crush® (CoC) Gripper, proving his world-class grip strength.  IronMind® | Photo courtesy of Jaime McEwen.

Jaime McEwen told IronMind® that his father introduced him to the No. 1 Captains of Crush® Gripper about four years ago, getting him, 'hooked'.  "From there,” he said,  “I progressed to the No. 2 and the 2.5 fairly quickly.” 

The No. 3 CoC proved to be more of a challenge, but among other things, Jaime credits kettlebell work, along with thick handled barbell and dumbbell lifts, for paving the way to his next round of grip-strength progress.  “Unlike the 20-rep squat routine which we all know guarantees gains, I find grip training to be a bit more elusive.  Find what works and keep progressing,” Jaime recommended.

Jaime McEwen is living proof that he put the pieces of the puzzle together: congratulations, Jaime: You’ve just been certified on the No. 3 Captains of Crush® Gripper and your name has been added to the official Who's Who list!

IronMind® would like to thank Steven Helmicki for serving as the referee on Jaime McEwen’s official attempt.

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