Down Signal: Rules Clarification
by Randall J. Strossen, IronMind Enterprises, Inc. © 2018

A quick reminder to all grip competitors, contest promoters and referees: please be sure that the rules for IronMind events are read, understood and followed if you would like an attempt considered for official recognition.
On this point, today IronMind clarified the language describing how lifts such as the Little Big Horn must be completed and when the down signal can be given: appropriate language was already in place for the Rolling Thunder deadlift, and now that identical language is also in place for the Hub, Little Big Horn, Blockbuster Pinch Grip Block, Apollon’s Axle,as well as the Crushed-To-Dust! Challenge.
To review these rules, please go to the Certification menu at the top of the IronMind home page and navigate to each event.
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