Dmitry Volegov Certifies on the Captains of Crush No. 4 Gripper

Dmitry Volegov (Russia) has just been certified on the Captains of Crush (CoC) No. 4 gripper. Volegov is 40 years old, 6’ 2” tall and weighs 230 pounds. He comes to the grip strength world with 28 years of MMA experience. IronMind® | Image courtesy of Dmitry Volegov Dmitry Volegov (Russia) has just been certified on the Captains of Crush (CoC) No. 4 gripper. Volegov is 40 years old, 6’ 2” tall and weighs 230 pounds. He comes to the grip strength world with 28 years of MMA experience. IronMind® | Image courtesy of Dmitry Volegov

Carl Myerscough (USA) broke the ice and now Dmitry Volegov (Russia) has also done what some in the grip strength world considered impossible: Volegov has certified on the Captains of Crush (CoC) No. 4 gripper with no question about it being a legal attempt from start to finish.

A recent entrant to the top echelon of the grip strength world, Volegev (CoC3.5 '24) is devastatingly strong, as was evident when he certified on the Captains of Crush No. 3.5 gripper last month.

Volegov is 40 years old, 6’ 2” tall and weighs 230 pounds. He comes to the grip strength world with 28 years of MMA experience. 

“I have been [training on] grippers of 9 months with my coach, Nikita Yurkovets (CoC3 '19, CoC3.5 '21, CTD+ '24),” Volegov told IronMind. “Many thanks to him for his help [preparing for this attempt]. Grip helps me in MMA wrestling, as well as in everyday life.”

While IronMind can’t speak for Dmitry Volegov, the next steps are clear: break the Rolling Thunder world record and certify on the CTD+ and this will further cement his place in the annals of grip strength history:

•  only Magnus Samuelsson has certified on the Captains of Crush No. 4 gripper and held the world record holder on the Rolling Thunder

• Nobody has certified on the CTD+ and the CoC No. 4.  

Perhaps Dmitry Volegov can certify on the CTD+ and break the Rolling Thunder world record.

Heres a link to the video of Dmitry Volegov’s official attempt to close the Captains of Crush No. 4 gripper.



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