Dmitry Klokov in Heavy Training

Almaty—Spotted taking pictures at the 69-kg A session last night, Russian weightlifting star Dmitry Klokov told IronMind that he has not decided about returning to competition.

Guess who’s training arms: Dimitry Klokov looked impressive as he was capturing the action at the World Weightlifting Championships last night. IronMind® | Randall J. Strossen photo
Guess who’s training arms: Dimitry Klokov looked impressive as he was capturing the action at the World Weightlifting Championships last night. IronMind® | Randall J. Strossen photo

Klokov said that he weighs 110 kg and is still training, although he hasn’t yet made up his mind about returning to competition.

Asked about his training, was is light or heavy, Klokov told IronMind, “maximum,” and added that he had snatched 190 kg last week.



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