Darin Heltemes Certifies on the IronMind Red Nail™

A self-described “scrawny 160-lb. weakling” four years ago, Darin Heltemes is now a 230-lb. amateur strongman who’s just been certified on the IronMind® Red Nail™, a benchmark short bend.

It’s official: Darin Heltemes has been certified on the IronMind® Red Nail™.  IronMind® | Photo courtesy of Darin Heltemes.
It’s official: Darin Heltemes has been certified on the IronMind® Red Nail™.  IronMind® | Photo courtesy of Darin Heltemes.

“I experimented with bending briefly in my first year of lifting, but abandoned it only after a month due to the extreme strain it places on the joints and tendons.  I picked it back up three years later after my friend James gave me some steel for my birthday.  I’ve been bending seriously for just under a year.”

Congratulations, Darin: Your name has been added to the Red Nail™ Roster, the official list of who has been certified on the IronMind® Red Nail™!

IronMind® would also like thank Mark Wilson for his help, serving as Darin's official referee for this bend.

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