Barry Mairs Certifies on the IronMind Red Nail

Barry Mairs (178 cm tall, 90 kg) has just been certified on the IronMind Red Nail, a benchmark short steel bend. IronMind® | Photo courtesy of Barry Mairs Barry Mairs (178 cm tall, 90 kg) has just been certified on the IronMind Red Nail, a benchmark short steel bend. IronMind® | Photo courtesy of Barry Mairs

Barry Mairs successfully bent an IronMind Red Nail under official conditions, and has just been been certified.

Mairs is 30, lives outside Belfast, Northern Ireland and works in exercise and sports rehabilitation.

“I bent my first piece of short steel on June 27th 2016 and progressed onto bending IronMind Red Nails in September 2016. I currently bend short steel 2 times per week and also train in CrossFit 5-6 times per week,” Mairs told IronMind.

“My current goal in short steel bending is to bend the IronMind Gold Nail.

“I'd like to thank Mr. Paul McIlroy for his continued support and guidance in training for this certification. I'd also like to thank my referee Mr. Ben Mattingly for giving his time to referee my certification,” said Mairs.

Congratulations, Barry, your name has been added to the Red Nail Roster, and many thanks Ben for refereeing Barry’s official attempt to bend an IronMind Red Nail.


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