Nikita Yurkovets Certifies on the Crushed-To-Dust Plus Challenge
by Randall J. Strossen, IronMind Enterprises, Inc. © 2024

Nikita Yurkovets (Belarus) is one of the most elite grip stars on the planet, and he just added another feather to his cap by certifying on the Crushed-To-Dust® Plus Challenge, and doing so in a manner that is unlikely to be matched by any but maybe two other men in the world.
To set the stage, Nikita wrote IronMind, “Good afternoon My name is Nikita Yurkovets. I'm from Belarus. I was already certified in CoC 3, CoC 3.5, Crushed to Dust Challenge and had the world record in Rolling pull-ups with extra weight. I couldn't pass up your new certification: Crushed-To-Dust Plus. I filled out the form and recorded yesterday's attempt on video. Please consider it. Thanks. Sincerely, Nikita Yurkovets.”
Watch the video of Nikita Yurkovets's official attempt on the CTD+ Challenge and notice that he closed a Captains of Crush No. 3.5 gripper, instead of the “mere” CoC No. 3 that is required!
"Today I turn 27 years old," Nikita told IronMInd. My height is 192 centimeters, and my current weight is 125 kilograms. I have been involved in sports for quite a long time, from a young age. I have been developing grip strength since 2017 and have become quite successful in this area. In 2019 I passed certification for CoC 3. In 2021 I passed certification for CoC 3.5, now I am working on an attempt to pass certification for CoC 4. I work as a gym instructor, I also have a hobby that I love very much—crafting, woodworking," said Nikita.
Congratulations, Nikita, and Happy Birthday, too: you have been certified on the Crushed-To-Dust Plus (CTD+) Challenge, further guaranteeing your place of honor in grip strength history.