Bader Samir Tayeb Certifies on the IronMind Red Nail

UAE banker and businessman Bader Samir Tayeb has just been certified on the IronMind Red Nail, a benchmark short steel bend.

Saying that his work leaves him pressed for time, nonetheless Bader Samir Tayeb has been able build up his bending strength to the point that he has just been certified on the IronMind Red Nail, a worldwide standard for short-steel bending.  IronMind® | Photo courtesy of Bader Samir Tayeb.
Saying that his work leaves him pressed for time, nonetheless Bader Samir Tayeb has been able build up his bending strength to the point that he has just been certified on the IronMind Red Nail, a worldwide standard for short-steel bending.  IronMind® | Photo courtesy of Bader Samir Tayeb.

“Grip and wrist strength is my hobby,” Bader Samir Tayeb told IronMind.  He has been bending since “2006 on and off,” saying that he got started “after I discovered the CoC grippers on the IM website,” and that he was able to bend the IronMind Green Nail when he first gave bending a try. 

Bader Samir Tayeb is 24 years old, is 173 cm tall (about 5’ 8”) and weighs 91 kg (about 200 lb.).

IronMind would like to thank Andrew Posa for serving as the referee on Bader Samir Tayeb’s official attempt, and, speaking of official, Congratulations to Bader Samir Tayeb: your name as been added to the Red Nail Roster, the list of men who have officially bent the IronMind Red Nail.


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