World’s Strongest Man Experience Adds Talent: Jouko Ahola, Janne Virtanen and Sini “Ariel” Tarkkinen
by Randall J. Strossen, IronMind Enterprises, Inc. © 2012
World’s Strongest Man winners Jouko Ahola and Janne Virtanen will referee the World’s Strongest Man experience at Hämeenlinna, Finland’s medieval castle on April 21, contest organizer Jyrki Rantanen announced today.
Two-time World’s Strongest Man winner Jouko Ahola, shown in his home theater room last year, will be refereeing at the World’s Strongest Man Experience in Hämeenlinna, Finland. IronMind® | Randall J. Strossen photo.
Events are set to be announced on March 15, the same day that tickets go on sale.
It is expected that they will include “something special to salute our venue’s history” said Rantanen, who wants to “bring back some show mentality.” Incidentally, the latter isn’t limited to the ancient or the mighty as “the audience and competitors will be hosted by the leading pin-up model in Finland, Sini ‘Ariel’ Tarkkinen.”
Part of the contest will involve limited access for spectators, but Rantanen told IronMind, “If there´s some fanatic international strength fans aiming to see the show live, they should contact United Strongmen™. We might have some final ticket + hotel pacs available and of course we want to offer some of them internationally also.”
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