Viking Power Update
by Randall J. Strossen, IronMind Enterprises, Inc. © 2007
Direct from the Viking Mansion, deep in Norway, IronMind® has received word that Viking Power Productions has launched a blog.
With projects galore underway, Viking Power Productions is looking toward a very fruitful year . . . contests, clothing, supplements . . . IronMind® | Logo courtesy of Viking Power Productions.
"Here we will post every day from our daily life. You can see the progress in making new equipment for the contest, info, and private life of the Karlsens," said the ever-shy Lene Karlsen, adding, "NOT that private."
Here's the link to the Viking Power Blog.
In other Viking Power developments, Lene Karlsen also told IronMind®, "The new film about Svend's whole life is coming together great now . . . today we saw footage from when Svend was 17 and doing curls with 100 kg! [Ace strongman presenter and filmmaker] Colin Bryce is doing the commentary."
We understand that this 1-1/2 hour DVD will be out later this year, so stay tuned for more developments.
It's on 07-07-07, or we just say 0007 for short . . . the mighty men will come to Norway to have at it in the Viking Power Challenge. IronMind® | Logo courtesy of Viking Power Productions.