The World’s Strongest Lady
by Randall J. Strossen, IronMind Enterprises, Inc. © 2011
Eurosport will be broadcasting the Strongman Champions League (SCL) World’s Strongest Lady 2011 this Friday, December 23.
Strongman Champions League: not just for men. IronMind® | Courtesy of SCL.
SCL’s Marcel Mostert told IronMind, “This competition was held in August this year, in Poltava, Ukraine, in cooperation with the Ukrainian Federation of Strength Athletes (UFSA). [It is] a great show with a new world champion getting crowned!
“These women lifted incredible weights,with new world records.
“Also, SCL has gotten the contract already for the World Strongest Lady 2012 in August next year.
"So, all strong women can prepare already for next summer,” said Mostert.
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