Sergey Kulikov Certifies on the IronMind Red Nail
by Randall J. Strossen, IronMind Enterprises, Inc. © 2014
24-year old Sergey Kulikov told IronMind he’s been involved with sports (climbing, athletics and alpine skiing) since childhood, and it must have been a good base for steel bending because because he has just been certified on the IronMind Red Nail.
It’s official: Sergey Kulikov’s name has just been added to the Red Nail Roster, the official list of men certified as succeeding on this benchmark bend under official conditions. IronMind® | Egor Meshkow photo
“At 23 years old, I met the online "Iron Grip" community, where I was taught how to bend steel and crush grippers.
“My goal is maximal overall strength, in year and a half to go for bending the IronMind Gold Nail in IronMind Pads, to pass the Captains of Crush No. 3 gripper certification and to master the reverse technique: I want to bend the IronMind Red Nail like that,” Kulikov said.
IronMind would like to thank Mikhail Baranev for serving as the referee on Sergey Kulikov’s official attempt to bend an IronMind Red Nail.
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