Sang-Do Shim Certifies on the Captains of Crush No. 3 Grippers
by Randall J. Strossen, IronMind Enterprises, Inc. © 2013
Congratulations to Sang-Do Shim, who has just been certified on Captains of Crush (CoC) No. 3 gripper, proving his world-class grip strength.
Sang-Do Shim stands 193 cm (about 6’ 4”), weighs 107 kg (about 236 lb.), and talk about getting off to a strong start, he could close a Captains of Crush No. 2 gripper the first time he tried. IronMind® | Photo courtesy of Sang-Do Shim.
The 27-year old South Korean metalworker, who uses his on the job and who is also an arm wrestler, said that he could close a Captains of Crush No. 2 gripper the first time he tried it—giving an indiction of what a strong grip he already had before he began his grip work.
Following a training program based on heavy negatives and holds, as used by Joe Kinney (the first man certified on the Captains of Crush No. 4 gripper), Sang-Do Shim said that his training was on the weekends, so he might stand as a prime example of how limited training volume and frequency can pay big dividends when it comes to gripper training.
This is an impressive start, but hang on, because Sang-Do Shim has his sights set on certifying on the Captains of Crush No. 3.5 and the No. 4 next.
IronMind would like to thank Sumin Hong for doing the honors as Song-Do Shim’s referee, which allowed Song-Do Shim to prove his impressive grip strength—allowing IronMind to make it official now: Song-Do Shim’s name has been added to the official certification list of the Captains of Crush No. 3 gripper. Congratulations!
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