Mark Felix Accepts the Fortissimus Challenge
by Randall J. Strossen, IronMind Enterprises, Inc. © 2009
The two-time WSM finalist and IronMind® Rolling Thunder® World Champion, Mark Felix, immediately accepted to face the Fortissimus challenge as he reported ready to go to Paul Ohl, president of Fortissimus 2009, this as a result of Jarno Hams injury - all of this just in and official, straight from Fortissimus.
Mark Felix, a crowd favorite at Fortissimus 2008, is joining the field in Fortissimus 2009, as well as being the man to beat at the IronMind® Rolling Thunder® World Championships. IronMind® | Marc-Andre Torneaux photo, courtesy of Fortissimus World Strength.
According to the written statement received by IronMind®:
A sad news and a good news. Nobody from the Fortissimus organization had forgotten Mark Felix. He was a crowd favorite last year and will be again this year. But most of all, he is an example of resilience, a man with a will of iron. Not only will he try to break his world record at the IronMind® Rolling Thunder® World Championships, but he will have a shot at the Sigmarsson Wheels deadlift record at the competition. This is great for the sport.
To this, IronMind® would add that if you have not yet gotten one, this is place to check to see if tickets to Fortissimus 2009 are still available.