Kirill Sarychev Certifies on the Captains of Crush No. 3 Gripper

The mighty Kirill Sarychev made closing a Captains of Crush No. 3 gripper look like child’s play. IronMind® | ©Randall J. Strossen photo

Strength world phenom Kirill Sarychev has added to his consider laurels by closing a Captains of Crush No. 3 gripper under official conditions.

Did we say closing? Crushing would be more like it: Sarachev disposed of the task as easily as if he were crumpling a sheet of paper.

Sarychev is a powerhouse best known for his +700-lb. raw bench presses, but there’s more: he also deadlifts 400 kg, for example, and he told yours truly, who witnessed what he did to the CoC No. 3, that he’s about an 1/8” shy of closing a Captains of Crush No. 4, so stay tuned.

25 years old, Kirill Sarychev is 205 cm (about 6’ 9”) tall and weighs 180 kg (about 397 lb.).

Congratulations, Kirill, your name has been added to the Captains of Crush No. 3 certification list, and many thanks to Dmitriy Suhovarov for refereeing on Kirill Sarychev’s official attempt.


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