Juha Harju Wins Grip Nightmare: Does 6 Reps on the Captains of Crush No. 3 Gripper
by Randall J. Strossen, IronMind Enterprises, Inc. © 2015

Gripmonster’s Juha Harju put on a show in more than one way at the Nordic Fitness Expo in Lahti, Finland today as he finished first overall—powering to the top by doing six reps on the Captains of Crush No. 3 gripper for a strong win in that event.
Repping out on grippers is as old as grippers themselves and while it’s commonly seen in training, it’s been underutilized in competitions.
Harju asked IronMind’s Randall Strossen about including this type of event in this competition, following the basic rules for certifying on a Captains of Crush gripper, and Strossen applauded the idea.
With no re-seting allowed, these reps are particularly tough to crank out, but Harju showed his strength as he motored through six full reps.
The next GripMonsters contest will be at January 9, 2016: It’s the IronMind Rolling Thunder Finnish Championships, and Harju told IronMind, “I have heard rumors that to there is coming two world class Rolling Thunder lifters, maybe testing themselves for the 2016 Rolling Thunder World Championships.”
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