Alexander Petrov Certifies on the Captains of Crush No. 3 Gripper
by Randall J. Strossen, IronMind Enterprises, Inc. © 2012
Welcome Alexander Petrov to the club: he has just been certified on the Captains of Crush No. 3 gripper, proving his world class grip strength.
28-year old Alexander Petrov is the newest man to qualify for the Captains of Crush No. 3 certification list. IronMind® | Photo courtesy of Alexander Petrov.
A native of Tomsk, Russia, Alexander Petrov told IronMind that he began his athletic career in the Nordic combined and early on proved himself as “the strongest boy in [the] school.”
Petrov seems to be a natural when it comes to high levels of grip strength as he has only been training on Captains of Crush (CoC) grippers since early this year. On the other hand he said, “my whole life is constantly associated with physical labor” and besides what he does in the gym, he works on a farm: “potato growing in an area of 40 acres and all by hand.” Petrov stands 176 cm tall (about 5’ 9”) and weighs 92 kg (about 203 lb.).
Talking lower arm strength, Igor Krutov, who kindly served as the referee on Alexander Petrov’s official attempt to close a CoC No. 3 gripper, said his hobby is bending nails and horseshoes—many thanks to Igor for his assistance.
Congratulations, Alexander, your name has been added to the official certification list for Captains of Crush No. 3 Gripper!
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