Dmitry Volegov Certifies on the Captains of Crush No. 3.5 Gripper

40-year old Dmitry Volegov has been certified on the Captains of Crush No. 3.5 gripper. Volegov is 6’ 2”, 230-lb. and he has 28 years of MMA experience. IronMind® | Image courtesy of Dmitry Volegov 40-year old Dmitry Volegov has been certified on the Captains of Crush No. 3.5 gripper. Volegov is 6’ 2”, 230-lb. and he has 28 years of MMA experience. IronMind® | Image courtesy of Dmitry Volegov

A veteran IronMind referee—and no mean gripster himself—called it, “One of the biggest ‘No Brainers’ on a Certification I have seen yet. No question,” as Dmitry Volegov (Russia) put on a picture-perfect performance to demonstrate his mastery of the Captains of Crush (CoC) No. 3.5 gripper and thereby earning his certification.

Volegov has been training with Captains of Crush grippers for six months and he trains on them twice a week, and the 40-year old said he has been training on MMA for 28 years. “Grip helps me in MMA wrestling, as well as in everyday life,” saiid Volegov, who has a pharmaceutical business.

Here’s a link to the video of Dmitry Volegov’s official attempt to close the Captains of Crush No. 3.5 gripper—be prepared to be impressed! And here is a second angle.

Special thanks to our friends at BearGrip for their assistance with Dmitry Volegov’s attempt.


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